Specialist electro-optical design and production service
BJR is a specialist Electro-Optical Company working in close partnership with associate organisations.
We offer a complete electro-optical service, from concept design to full production.
Our service includes laboratory grade testing, logistics and build to print.
bjr has a depth of experience in specialist component supply, project management and optical design consultancy.
We are a flexible customer driven company able to respond to bespoke precise requirements.
Custom System Design
A range of research work and a close working partnership with associate companies keeps bjr at the forefront of imaging technology today.
From sub-sea cameras to aircraft-mounted systems, bjr systems can provide bespoke solutions to your optical and imaging projects.
bjr is proud to have designed a mobile phone lens that has probably been produced in higher quantities than any other lens in history.
bjr has also developed an expertise in specialist LED illumination systems, both in design and production